Photos and descriptions of my work in our district and at the Capital, are viewable by all, at

Experienced Leader
Creative Problem-Solver
Diligent Researcher
Compassionate Listener

I represent 22,000 people in 4 towns – Milton, Westford, Fairfax, and Essex (rural) – in a Vermont State Senate District carved out in 2022.
I vote as an Independent (although I run as a Democrat), so that I can authentically carry the voices of my constituents from this "purple" district into the State House, where they haven't always felt heard.
I am fiscally responsible and a stickler for proper process, including transparency and accountability.

Irene Wrenner has been named one of 55 Vermont candidates endorsed for the 2022 General Election by Rights & Democracy, a movement to build healthy, just, and equitable communities for all.

Irene Wrenner was one of 20 Vermont Senate candidates endorsed by Vermont Conservation Voters (VCV) in 2022 for their commitment to VCV's vision and values: advancing and defending policies that protect the environment and promote health while advancing social, racial, and economic justice; and strengthening our democracy.

Irene Wrenner was endorsed in 2022 by VPIRG Votes, whose mission is to support and elect public interest champions who will promote and protect the health of Vermont’s people, environment, and locally-based economy.

Irene Wrenner has been named as one of 400 candidates nationwide endorsed for 2022 by Renew U.S., a movement to elect progressive candidates and pass legislation that advances economic justice, racial justice, and climate justice.

Irene Wrenner was endorsed in 2022 by the Vermont Chapter of the Sierra Club, as an environmental champion.

Irene Wrenner was endorsed in 2022 and 2024 by the Planned Parenthood Vermont Action Fund IE PAC, which supports candidates who are committed to a person’s right to make their own decisions about their health care, as well as to prioritizing equitable, unwavering access to sexual and reproductive health care for all.

LGKAN has endorsed Senator Irene Wrenner and 106 other VT legislators in 2024 for their commitment to solving the state’s child care crisis by voting for Act 76, making the 2023 Child Care Bill law.

AFT Vermont has endorsed nearly 70 legislators in 2024, including Senator Irene Wrenner for her commitment to better health care and higher education.

VSEA – a member-driven union working to ensure dignified wages, working conditions, benefits, and retirement plans – has endorsed Senator Irene Wrenner in 2024.

"The Vermont State Labor Council, AFL-CIO has officially endorsed your re-election campaign to the Vermont State Senate.
We look forward to working with you next biennium. Thank you for your commitment to protecting Vermont families." 10/2/24

"The Board of Directors of Vermont-NEA recommends your candidacy for State Senate to our members in the Chittenden North Senate district (for) a positive voting record on public education issues." 9/11/24

(Click for more info)

For 19 years I've knocked on doors, listened to residents, and addressed their concerns.
Vermont is quickly becoming an unaffordable place to live, due to rising housing and health care costs, double-digit property tax increases, and overall inflation in consumer goods.
My aim in the Senate this year was to research and reveal areas in which millions of dollars were being wasted or left uncollected. (More on that soon!)
Before my election to the Senate, I worked creatively and continuously to improve communication, transparency, and fairness in taxation and representation for 22,000 residents of Essex Town from 2005 to 2022.
My insistence that voters be heard in the halls of power hasn't found favor with entrenched politicians. But the majority of voters continue to show up and back my proposals – 9 victories on public questions thus far – to achieve just outcomes.
For example, my efforts to resist a Special Taxing District in 2016 prevented the severing of two recreation departments from their municipal roots and kept taxation in check.
The recent Separation of Essex Junction from Essex Town provided two communities – one mostly urban, one mostly rural – the freedom and fairness both have sought for 64 years.
My work leading 4 successful campaigns (2007, 2020, 2021[x2]) gave a voice to the Town voters whom officials excluded from the board table during negotiations.
Those Town voters continued to push back at the ballot box, each of the 4 times they were asked to vote for fairness over 15 years. Finally, Town voices were heard.
In the meantime, each Town property owner saved $5,500 in total (on average) as my ongoing efforts, backed by voters, kept the Merger Tax at bay.
As your sole Senator, I seek out residents of all stripes. I deeply listen to frustrations and fears, distribute information, and collect ideas. Then, I bring your input into the State House.
My aim is for you to feel represented by me, whatever your background, political leanings, or opinions, as I promote common sense legislation.
Count on me to:
- See You
- Hear You
- Respect You
- Represent You
Here's some unsolicited praise that I've earned through my ongoing public service:
"You taught me the importance of keeping accurate government records."
As Dianne, age 64, watched Selectboard meetings, she grew to appreciate my tenacious efforts to correct meeting minutes, distribute the untold facts to voters, and, most recently, publish a newspaper offering "the rest of the news."
"I don't think of you as a politician. I think of you as a care-er."
"I am a lifelong Republican, but you can count on my vote in the Democratic Primary," said Barbara, age 84.
"You pi** off all the right people."
Rich, age 72, knows that, in order to make a difference in local government, I had to behave differently. I've had to call out conflicts of interest, and politely correct officials who provided misinformation or disinformation. Those who preferred to operate without scrutiny have retaliated, shamelessly and repeatedly.
"You are VERY approachable and real."
J. Newman, age 62, also wrote, "You took the time with me ... to explain our antiquated local government. Which is not exactly straight forward, and doesn't always make sense to us lay people. ... I have learned a lot from you. You have become my local government sensei. Thank you!"
"Thank you for noticing me."
Doris, age 93, reminded me at a library event how much it meant to her that I look out for and listen to people who aren't loud, flashy or powerful.
I understand not everyone is comfortable speaking truth to power or wants to compete to be heard. But every one reading this page has life experiences that can inform my work on your behalf.
Please let me know what issues are important to you and might be added to this list:
Government Accountability
Stopping Waste in Government
Livable Wages
Affordable Health Care
Community Mental Health Supports
Reasonably-Priced Prescription Drugs
High-Quality, Affordable Child Care
Fair Taxation of Corporations and Upper-Income Households
Housing for Everyone
Fully Fund Police
Bodily Autonomy
Accessible Voting
End Food Insecurity
Support Local Food Production
Increase Protection for Vermont's Environment
In addition to quick Facebook posts, I provide occasional detailed updates to Front Porch Forum and local newspapers.
Please feel free to get in touch via email, text, phone any time.

Click to hear Wrenner's 2022 fall interview.
November opponent declined an interview.